When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Criminal Defense Contact Form

Since 1992, the likelihood of an arrest leading to a conviction has generally risen. Although some defendants think that they can “beat the system” on their own, having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side is the best way to prevent becoming another statistic.

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Texas

Defend yourself against serious criminal charges that could affect you for the rest of your life. Attorney Frank Jackson has over 30 years of criminal law experience, as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer. He can defend people charged with drug crimes, sex crimes, violent crimes, property crimes, white-collar crimes, and other serious criminal charges. Located in Dallas, Texas, he defends people throughout North Texas, including those in Ft. Worth, Plano, Allen, Denton, Frisco, and McKinney.

Contact the Law Offices of Frank Jackson for a free initial consultation about a state or federal criminal charge. No matter what criminal charge you may be facing, you have the right to seek the advice of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

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Criminal Defense Contact Form

*First Name

*Last Name

*Email Address

*Phone Number


Street Address


Incident Street Address

Incident Apt/Ste

*Incident Zip

Business Phone

Cellular or Pager

Booking #

Driver’s License #

Court Date


Court Name


Arresting Officer’s Name and Badge

City of Arrest

What were you arrested for (include Code section)?

Have you been convicted of a similar crime before?
Yes  No 

If yes, when?

Have you been convicted of other offenses?
Yes  No 

If yes, what and when?

Are you on probation or parole?
Yes  No 

For what?

Do you have any other cases pending?

Was anyone else arrested?
Yes  No 

If so, name(s) of all persons arrested

What statements do you remember making to the police about the alleged crime?

Describe the order of events leading up to the arrest

Have you discussed the alleged crime with anybody else?
Yes  No 

If so, who did you discuss it with and what did you tell them?

Were there any witnesses to the alleged crime?
Yes  No 

If yes, provide names and contact information if known

What is the amount of the bond you posted?

Are there any special bond conditions?

Were you referred by somebody else?
Yes  No 


Special concerns

DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel for advice on any legal matter.

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