When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Providing Strong Criminal Defense Against Indecency With A Child Charges

Charges of committing indecency with a child can result from a broad range of alleged activity and cause confusion. These serious charges can result from:

  • Engaging in sexual contact with a child or causing a child to engage in sexual contact
  • Knowingly exposing personal bodily areas to a child
  • Causing a child to expose personal areas

Charges of indecency with a child can range from third- to second-degree felony charges and can lead to years or even decades in jail as well as a lifetime listing on the sex offender registry. If you face charges of indecency with a child, it is wise to work with the experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson to protect your rights and fight your charges.

Do you face charges of indecency with a child or another child-related sex crime, such as child pornography or child molestation? Have you been accused of being a sexual predator? Contact attorney Frank Jackson now.

How Attorney Jackson Can Help Your Case Today

Mr. Jackson has been lauded by numerous legal organizations and state publications as a top Texas criminal defense lawyer and was described by the Dallas Morning News as “one of the best defense lawyers in this hemisphere.”

He has investigated thousands of criminal cases and works with a tested network of experts to protect clients’ rights and fight prosecutors’ tactics and charges. As an attorney who has tried over 400 cases in court and has handled thousands more, Mr. Jackson is committed to aggressively protecting the reputations, rights and freedom of clients facing sex crime charges. For more information, contact his firm for a free initial consultation.

Get Started Today For Serious Defense Of Your Case

If you have questions regarding charges of indecency with a child or other criminal charges, contact the Law Offices of Frank Jackson. The firm accepts credit cards and is conveniently located in downtown Dallas. Call it locally at 214-306-6891.

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