When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Experienced Defense When You Are Facing Child Pornography Charges

Society has a “knee-jerk” reaction to suspicions of sex crimes and child pornography violations. Law enforcement officers descend, guilt is assumed and the accused are instantly stigmatized almost before charges are filed.

Unfortunately, this reaction carries over to the justice system and courts of law as well. The lawyer at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson has worked for over 50 years to stand between the accused and the accusers to protect the rights, reputations and freedoms of those accused of child pornography charges and other sex crimes.

Have you been accused of owning, downloading, buying, trading, exchanging or producing/creating child pornography? You have rights. Contact attorney Frank Jackson today.

Combining Legal Experience With Technological Expertise

Child pornography charges often involve technology. Do your child pornography charges involve materials on your hard drive? The way in which these images became stored may decide your guilt or innocence as decided by the courts. Attorney Jackson works with computer experts to determine the validity of the state’s case and fight your charges.

Experienced In Criminal Defense Of All Child Porn And Child-Related Sex Crimes

As a lawyer who has handled thousands of criminal cases, Mr. Jackson is experienced in all child pornography-related cases, including:

Law enforcement agents are increasing their investigations of child pornography, and sentences can be harsh and include years in jail with mandatory registration as a sex offender for life. For more information on how attorney Jackson can help fight your charges, contact the firm for a free initial consultation.

Contact Attorney Jackson To Get Your Questions Answered

If you have questions regarding child pornography criminal charges, contact the Law Offices of Frank Jackson. Mr. Jackson defends people throughout North Texas, including those in Plano, Allen, Denton and McKinney.

The firm accepts credit cards and is conveniently located in downtown Dallas. Set up a free initial consultation today for help with your case. Call attorney Jackson locally at 214-306-6891.

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