When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Keeping Your Name Off The Texas Sex Offender Registration

Texas aggressively maintains a sex offender registry and holds convicted sex offenders responsible for many requirements, including the following:

  • Registering with the sex offender registration program
  • Updating officials when they change addresses
  • Keeping their registration information current

Since 1996, sex crime offenders are listed on Texas sex offender lists and in a federal sex offender registration database. In addition, Texas has a community notification system that enables law enforcement to release sex offender registry information to the public for the purpose of protecting communities.

If you face sex crime charges that could result in mandatory registration with the sex offender registration program, including charges of aggravated sexual assault, child molestation, prostitution or juvenile sex crimes, the lawyer at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson can provide you with experienced, aggressive, confidential and compassionate legal help.

Do you have questions regarding sex crime charges and registration with the sex offender registry? Contact attorney Frank Jackson at 214-306-6891.

Working To Keep You Off The Sex Offender Registry

If you are convicted of sex crime charges and are required to register as a sex offender, then your community will have access to your identity, address and sex offender classification. Attorney Jackson understands the personal impact of being labeled a sex offender and is committed to protecting your rights and privacy.

Numerous legal organizations and Texas publications hail Mr. Jackson as a top Texas criminal defense lawyer. The Dallas Morning News even termed him “one of the best defense lawyers in this hemisphere.” As an experienced criminal defense attorney who has handled thousands of cases, Mr. Jackson can effectively fight false allegations, question police and prosecutor methods, and work toward your acquittal or the reduction or dismissal of your charges. For more information, contact the firm for a free initial consultation.

Contact Attorney Jackson Today

Email the firm to set up a free initial consultation, or call the firm locally at 214-306-6891. Calls are answered 24/7.

Mr. Jackson defends people throughout North Texas, including those in Plano, Allen, Denton and McKinney. The firm accepts credit cards.

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