When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side
Fellow Of The American Board Of Criminal Lawyers

Criminal Law


Sexual Offenses
Do Not Hesitate To Get An Experienced Attorney In The Fight
If you are facing serious criminal charges, then it is imperative that you seek assistance from a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal process, explain your options and work to craft the strongest possible defense on your behalf.
Located in Dallas-Fort Worth, attorney Frank Jackson has over 50 years of criminal law experience as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer. He defends people facing state and federal misdemeanor and felony criminal charges.
Comprehensive Criminal Law Defense Strategy For Every Client
Over the years, attorney Jackson has tried more than 400 cases in state and federal courts. As such, he understands the importance of thorough preparation and meticulous attention to detail. Moreover, because of his time spent as a former prosecutor, he has invaluable insight into the strategies that the state may plan to use in its prosecution.
At the Law Offices of Frank Jackson, attorney Jackson defends people charged with crimes ranging from minor to serious, including:
- Federal and state drug crimes
- Sex offenses, such as child pornography and sexual assault
- Felonies, including assault and robbery
- Murder, including felony murder and manslaughter
- Federal white collar crimes, such as fraud or embezzlement
- Probation violations
Attorney Jackson also helps people with the expunction/expungement process, whereby their criminal record is cleared following a verdict of not guilty or the dismissal of charges. If you know you are up against a difficult charge, you need the counsel of a skilled lawyer.
Working in the areas of state and federal litigation, Mr. Jackson has tried more than 300 as a criminal defense attorney. Among his numerous not guilty verdicts, listed below, he has defended several high-profile cases. In addition, he has won many dismissals, motions to suppress and reversals on appeal that are not listed.
Take The First Step To Protect Your Rights
Satisfied Clients And Their Feedback

“Frank Jackson [is] one of the best defense lawyers in this hemisphere…”
-Dallas Morning News

My husband, Mr. T., was charged with two counts of indecency with a child by contact. From the first moment we met with Mr. Frank Jackson, we felt that he was an exceptional attorney and wanted him to represent my husband. Throughout the five years before my husband’s cases went to trial, Mr. Jackson made us feel at ease and assured us that he would fight to prove my husband’s innocence. During the trial, Mr. Jackson was extremely effective in controlling the court proceedings. It was quite evident that he was much more knowledgeable and capable than the prosecuting attorney. And true to his word, Mr. Jackson won a complete victory for us. If you need a criminal defense attorney, we would highly recommend one of the best, Mr. Frank Jackson.

Frank helped me through the darkest time in my life. He defended me from the false allegations and I am stronger than ever and a better man because of his guidance.
One day, out of the blue, I was accused of an unconscionable crime. But what could I do? What could any man do? I realized the only option to get my life and good name back was to seek legal guidance. Frank Jackson is the best of the best and I highly recommend him because of his deep knowledge, courtroom expertise and caring approach.
Sometimes life isn’t black and white. Sometimes a great defense is the best offense. I had every reason to lose my wife, children, job and good name. Frank Jackson helped prevent this and stood by my side in the darkest hour. His wisdom and friendship made me feel invincible. Two counts against me. Two not-guilty verdicts.
Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Frank Jackson