When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Criminal Defense For Minors Accused Of Sex Crimes

In instances of sex crime charges, kids, teens and their families cannot depend on the leniency that the criminal justice system often shows to people under the age of 18. Depending on the seriousness of the charge, minors can be certified as adults, leading to adult-level legal consequences, including years and decades in jail and listings on the sex offender registry. Even 14- and 15-year-olds can be sent to adult facilities following sex crime convictions.

If you or a family member faces juvenile sex crime charges in Texas, the lawyer at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson can help. Attorney Frank Jackson has represented thousands of accused individuals since becoming a criminal defense attorney over 50 years ago and has tried over 400 criminal cases in court.

Are you facing juvenile sex crime charges? Are you interested in obtaining legal help for your child in a juvenile sex crime case? Call attorney Jackson at 214-306-6891.

Help For Your Child Who’s Facing Juvenile Sex Crime Charges

Juveniles can be accused of rape and sexual assault and can be charged with aggravated sexual assault, but they can even be charged with and convicted of sex crimes for engaging in childish sexual exploring and touching. When you or your child faces juvenile sex charges, contact attorney Jackson, who has done the following:

  • Handled sex crime charges since 1971
  • Written and published works and delivered lectures regarding criminal defense
  • Been honored by the American Board of Criminal Lawyers for courtroom excellence, D Magazine, Dallas Law magazine and the American Trial Lawyers Association

Free Consultation On Your Case

A conviction for juvenile sex crimes can affect the rest of a minor’s life. For aggressive and experienced juvenile sex crime criminal defense, contact the Law Offices of Frank Jackson. The firm accepts credit cards.

Its offices are conveniently located in downtown Dallas to serve the surrounding areas. To contact the firm, call locally at 214-306-6891.

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