When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Defense For Aggravated Assault And Battery Charges

Misdemeanor crimes are usually considered less serious than felony crimes and typically have less severe penalties. Nevertheless, having a misdemeanor charge on your record can have serious consequences. The lawyer at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson represents individuals charged with misdemeanor crimes and works hard to achieve “not guilty” verdicts for his clients.

With over 50 years of experience practicing law, attorney Frank Jackson has tried over 400 cases in the courtroom.

Help With Assault, Disorderly Conduct And Domestic Violence Charges

While felony crimes usually result in incarceration, misdemeanor crimes have a range of penalties, including jail time, fines, probation, house arrest and community service. Although attorney Jackson’s goal is always obtaining a “not guilty” verdict at trial, if the evidence is strong, he is also an experienced negotiator and will strive to achieve favorable plea agreements.

As an experienced trial lawyer in criminal defense, Mr. Jackson represents clients with the following types of misdemeanor cases:

  • Simple assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Resisting arrest
  • Criminal trespass
  • Reckless conduct
  • Vandalism
  • Reckless driving

Throughout his criminal defense practice, attorney Jackson has represented hundreds of clients and has achieved many favorable results. Through his preparation of cases, negotiating skills and courtroom experience, he has obtained many “not guilty” verdicts, case dismissals, reduced charges, reduced penalties and alternative penalties, such as community service, for his clients.

Reach Out To Frank Jackson For Strong Criminal Defense

For experienced criminal defense representation and personalized attention in your case, contact Law Offices of Frank Jackson today for a free consultation. Email the firm or call locally at 214-306-6891 or toll free at 214-306-6891. Calls are answered 24/7.

Frank Jackson defends clients throughout North Texas, including those in Plano, Allen, Denton and McKinney. Do not hesitate to contact him with your questions today.

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