When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Frank Jackson Knows Both Sides Of Criminal Defense Strategies

When the state charges you with a crime, it is advisable to hire an experienced lawyer. Based in Dallas-Fort Worth, the attorney at the Law Offices of Frank Jackson provides effective representation for people facing both state and federal criminal charges. Frank Jackson has over 50 years of criminal law experience as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer.

400 Cases Brought To Trial. Attorney Jackson Can Fight For You.

With experience trying over 400 cases, Mr. Jackson has the ability, determination and skills to successfully defend you against felony and misdemeanor charges ranging from:

These charges carry with them serious, life-altering penalties. No matter what you think your chances of success may be on your own, you are entitled to the services of a skilled attorney.

Contact Law Offices of Frank Jackson today for a free initial consultation. Attorney Jackson defends people throughout North Texas, including those in Plano, Allen, Frisco and McKinney. Give him a call locally at 214-306-6891. Calls are answered 24/7.

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