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24-year-old man faces charges for sleeping with teen

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2016 | Sexual Assault

Being charged with sexual assault can be a difficult blow to your reputation, particularly if your relationship was consensual. It can be hard to understand why you’re being accused of a crime when you know nothing was done. Fortunately, you do have a right to speak with your attorney and create a defense, so you can tell your side of the story before a court decides if you should be penalized.

A man from Mexico now living in the United States is facing charges after he allegedly slept with a teen under the age of 17, despite claims that the relationship was consensual. According to the story, the 24-year-old man was already a registered sex offender, because he had been convicted for sexually assaulting a 7-year-old child in Texas. The new charges, however, may be more difficult to prove.

The news reports that the 24-year-old man had a relationship with a teen two years before in 2014. At that time, the authorities report that the teen was under 17, making it illegal for the 24-year-old man to have sexual relations with him. The older man reportedly met the teen during an Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender organization meeting, and he became a mentor to the teen. The teen reported that they had a sexual relationship for around two years.

The teenager’s brother also reported that the two had a sexual relationship, stating that he had walked in on the pair when they were having sex. The 24-year-old man claims he did not have a sexual relationship with the teen until he was over 17, but he does admit that he had stayed at the teen’s home and slept in his room, the brother’s room or on the couch.

Source: Breitbart, “Alien Sex Offender Assaulted Texas Boy He Met at LGBT Event, Say Police,” Bob Price, Jan. 26, 2016


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