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You can defend against date rape charges

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2015 | Sex Crimes

Everyone knows that non-consensual sex is rape, and you can be charged for raping someone. However, what happens when consensual sex suddenly isn’t? What can you do if you’re being accused of raping someone who was willing to sleep with you?

Each state is different when it comes to rape and sexual assault laws, but issues of consent will always be at the center of a case. Your best defense is being able to prove that the other person willingly had a sexual relationship with you. Without consent, any sexual contact isn’t legal, but with it, then you’re being falsely accused of a crime you didn’t commit.

If you and the person accusing you had a previous sexual relationship, it may be harder for the other party to prove a rape allegation against you. You can show that the other person was willing to be with you, in many cases, if you have texts, emails or other information showing your relationship was positive and mutual.

It’s harder for you to protect yourself and prove your innocence if the other party can prove that he or she was drugged or otherwise unable to speak during intercourse or the sexual actions you’re accused of participating in. Again, your best defense will be if you can prove that the other party was willing, was not intoxicated, was not drugged or was not violated in the way he or she claims.

Our website has more information about date rape and what you can do if you’re accused of this crime. It’s important to build your defense immediately to protect your reputation.


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