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15 accused of drug crimes in Texas

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2014 | Drug Charges

If you’re in Texas, then you may have heard about this recent arrest of 15 people accused of participating in drug distribution circles. According to an article from Dec. 10, the people all face federal drug distribution and conspiracy charges following an investigation at a dance club in Dallas.

The club, Eternal Eden Afterhours, is an 18-and-older club. The Dallas Police Department reported that it started investigating the club in the summer of 2014, and the authorities claim there has been at least one drug-related death linked to the club itself. Of the 15 people who have just been accused, 12 were arrested in Northern Texas near and in the club. Three others are still at large, according to police.

During the arrests, police reported obtaining firearms and drugs. One of the people arrested has also been identified as the boyfriend of a woman who had recently gone missing in the area. There is supposedly no connection between the two events.

Those accused of drug crimes in these arrests have been accused of selling “N-bomb,” a synthetic hallucinogen, methamphetamine and heroin. These people, all of which are under the age of 32, could face up to 20 years in prison for these crimes. They could additionally face up to $1 million in fines and additional sentences.

Although the case against these people is being supported by investigations by police, it’s possible for someone to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you’ve been accused of a crime you didn’t commit or have been charged with drug crimes with hefty sentences, it’s important to speak with someone who can help you defend yourself.

Source: The Dallas Morning News, “15 face drug charges after club investigation” Robert Wilonsky and Julie Fancher, Dec. 10, 2014


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