When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Protect yourself against sex offense charges in Texas

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2014 | Sexual Assault

Have you been accused of sexual offenses in Dallas? Are you worried that your family or friends may get drawn in and have their reputations hurt as well as your own? Sexual offenses, which come in many forms, are indeed serious crimes, and the penalties you could face could be life-changing. If you receive probation for any kind of conviction, you could face life on a sex offender list. That’s not something anyone wants to have in their record.

Fortunately, with the right help, you can defend yourself against charges that are biased and untrue. It doesn’t matter what kind of crime you’ve been charged with — sexual abuse, rape, child pornography, date rape, molestation, failure to register as a sex offender, aggravated sexual assault with a child, statutory rape or internet solicitation — you deserve a chance to explain yourself and to have a fair and unbiased trial.

A sexual offense charge can be incredibly embarrassing to you, your family and your friends, especially when it’s based on fallacies or a misunderstanding of a situation. Having a crime like this on your record can make it difficult to get jobs in the future or to spend time with children, including beloved young relatives . If you’re facing serious charges like these, don’t take them lightly. You can defend yourself and make sure your story is heard before a decision is made.

Click here if you want to learn more about your options after you are arrested and charged with a sex crime like sexual assault. It’s your life on the line, don’t leave your case to chance.


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