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Texas man faces charges of sexual assault while out of state

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2014 | Sexual Assault

A man in Texas has been arrested for sexual assault; he’s suspected of assaulting a 19-year-old woman from Lincoln, Nebraska. The man, who is from Carrolltown, Texas, was arrested while in Nebraska by the Nebraska City Police Department. He was arrested shortly after the alleged victim reported that she had been sexually assaulted in the morning.

The woman claimed that she was the victim of sexual assault that took place inside a vehicle. Police are investigating and trying to collect evidence. They are processing what they can and trying to come up with enough to support the woman’s claims. They have reported that drugs and alcohol don’t appear to have been factors in the alleged assault.

When the woman claimed she had been assaulted, she helped police figure out where the man was staying in Nebraska. They did not report that the man resisted arrest, and they found that he had no sexual assault priors. They did note that he had an outstanding warrant, but they didn’t report on what that warrant was for. His bond was set at $25,000 after his arraignment, and in the meantime, he’s been able to be released on bail.

This kind of situation shows that no matter what state you travel to, you can still face trouble. Because the alleged incident took place in another state, he will be held to their laws and regulations. If a person in a situation like this was to return to their home state, they could be extradited back to the state where the crime took place to face trial, even if it turns out that the claim was false.

Source: Nebraska City News-Press, “Texas man arrested for sexual assault” Nikki Carlson, Aug. 19, 2014


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