All sorts of internet crimes take place these days thanks to ever-improving technology and options. Sometimes, people don’t realize what they are doing is an actual crime. Texas residents are well aware, however, that any type of child pornography crimes will not be taken lightly in any venue across the country.
Revenge-type actions that involve posting inappropriate images online are not uncommon. In a recent case in another state, prosecutors have accepted a plea deal negotiated on behalf of a man charged with distribution of sexual images involving a minor.
After breaking up with his 18-year-old girlfriend, the suspect allegedly posted on various web sites explicit photos of the two of them engaging in sex. Reportedly, he also sent them by way of Facebook to the alleged victim’s father, three of her ex-boyfriends and one of his own friends. The photos had been taken a month before the breakup, when the girl was 17.
According to court documents, the suspect told his former girlfriend that someone had hacked his Facebook account. He was arrested in February of last year and indicted on multiple charges, including two counts of manufacturing of child sexual abuse images.
A sentence of 10 to 20 years in prison would be likely if the case had gone to trial. A negotiation between prosecutors and the 22-year-old resulted in a guilty plea to four counts of distribution of the images. Two to four years in prison is the end result after four charges were dropped and the three- to six-year sentence on two other charges was suspended as part of the deal.
A defense against criminal charges for any type of internet crime require understanding of the system, the rights of the accused and what each charge can mean if a defendant is found guilty. Careful consideration needs to be given to negotiating options that may be available with prosecutors after evidence has been reviewed. The best possible outcome under the circumstances should always be the primary goal.
Source:, “Man gets 2-4 years for sending sex photos to girl’s dad, ex-boyfriends” Patrick Cronin, Jan. 14, 2014