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Alcohol a factor in tow truck-related shooting

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2014 | Criminal Defense

When alcohol is mixed with anger or other emotions, individuals may make poor and even bizarre decisions. Those decisions can result in serious criminal charges and consequences that reach far into the future. For one man, the events of New Year’s Day may develop into consequences that define his entire year.

Fort Worth police report that three men were stopped on the side of the road on the morning of Jan. 1 after their car experienced mechanical issues. Within the same morning, a bizarre and sudden decision by one of the men would land him in jail and a tow truck driver in the hospital. According to police, the men called a friend to pick them up and also called a tow truck driver for the vehicle.

The tow truck driver arrived prior to the friend. The three men wanted a ride from the driver, but police report that the driver conformed with the law. He would not allow the three men to ride together in the vehicle as it was being towed.

The men apparently came to some arrangement that involved one man riding in the cab with the driver. Another would ride in the vehicle being towed. The third man would be left behind.

As the tow truck pulled away, the third man took out a gun and fired a shot at the truck. Whether he meant to hit anyone or was just blowing off steam may be important later, but the shot did hit the driver. The man riding in the tow truck helped the driver by applying pressure to the wound until authorities arrived.

According to police, the friend who was supposed to give all three men a ride showed up shortly after the incident occurred. The man who did the shooting is facing charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Though the facts seem straightforward, the man may be able to present a defense for a lesser charge due to circumstances or an argument of lesser intent.

Source: 5NBCDFW.com, “Towing Argument Ends With Gunshot” Randy McIlwain, Jan. 01, 2014


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