When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Owner of Rowlett trucking company charged with drug trafficking

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2013 | Drug Charges

Allegations of drug conspiracy aren’t always as cut and dry as prosecutors claim, but when federal authorities charge a group of individuals with drug trafficking, each of those individuals will need a strong criminal defense to mitigate the negative consequences.

Recently a number of men in the Dallas area were charged in connection with what the Drug Enforcement Administration says was a drug trafficking operation. One of the men owns a trucking company in Rowlett, and he is accused of using his company to transport marijuana across the country and come back with cash.

According to the DEA, a source tipped off agents about the possible distribution of marijuana and cocaine in the Dallas area. Drugs were allegedly also being sold in Chicago and Indiana.

According to a criminal complaint, about five months ago, the DEA began surveillance of the Rowlett trucking company, and in August authorities were given a search warrant and seized roughly 100 pounds of pot.

The complaint also indicates that cocaine and about $500,000 were seized.

A news report indicates that another man, not the owner of the trucking company, is suspected of heading up the alleged trafficking operation.

When various drug charges are doled out to multiple people believed to be part of the same group, it is important, in terms of criminal defense, to protect against overcharging for each individual. Prosecutors will sometimes charge a person with a crime he or she did not commit, while it may be possible that the crime was committed by an associated party.

In any case, it is important to get the facts straight and protect against overcharging.

Source: The Dallas Morning News, “Rowlett trucker accused of using big rig to haul marijuana to Chicago,” Kevin Krause, Sept. 9, 2013


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