Relationships are certainly complicated and emotional. It is hard letting our guard down and letting another person get to know intimate details about us. We want them not only to like us, but we want them to want to stay in the relationship. Sometimes, we may fib a little bit to do so.
These fibs may be as small as lying about whether or not we’ve ever been a smoker when dating someone who is against it. Maybe we fib about the true number of sexual partners that we have had. These fibs may be judged on a personal, moral level by others, but did you know that some fibs could actually lead to criminal charges?
For instance, a woman who tells their partner that they are pregnant when they know it’s not true could face liability. The fib itself isn’t the problem for courts, but where the lie induces the other to spend money, it could be considered fraud.
While the most well known example of this usually involves professional athletes who make millions, the average individual can be charged with “theft by deception.” Authorities have found that some women have been able to purchase positive pregnancy tests to substantiate these claims — something that prosecutors would argue is an “overt act.”
In some states, faking a pregnancy could even result in “criminal impersonation.” Even though one isn’t impersonating another “real” individual, prosecutors may claim that they are assuming a false character in order to gain funds to help pay for medical treatment of any kind. In some cases, individuals have even been charged with harassment.
What about those who are selling the tests? Could they be charged with conspiracy to aid in unlawful activity? Even actions that we may brush off as “so what?” could lead to prosecution in Dallas, and defending against these charges is something that should be taken seriously.
Source: The Atlantic, “Faking a Pregnancy Is Inadvisable; Courts Agree,” Keli Goff, Sept. 6, 2013