When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Man charged with murder 7 months after Dallas shooting

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2013 | Criminal Defense

Sometimes police investigations can last for months and even years, and individuals who think they may be the subject of a police investigation would be wise to speak with a criminal defense attorney.

A lengthy investigation in Dallas has led to the recent arrest of a 23-year-old man. Police claim he robbed and shot a man to death back in January. It remains to be seen, however, if a prosecutor can prove those allegations in court. The case raises some important questions about witness statements and police procedure.

The arrest report states that the victim and two other individuals were leaving a nightclub when they began to have car trouble. They stopped near an apartment building, and the man now facing charges apparently approached the group and offered assistance.

According to witnesses, the man left and came back with a jumper cable. At some point, claim the witnesses, the victim began giving his property to the suspect, who allegedly flashed what the witnesses initially believed was a play gun.

One witness then approached the suspect with a metal rod, and the suspect allegedly shot at the man. The witnesses then tried to take cover, and apparently a second shot was fired, striking the victim, who later died at a hospital.

A news report doesn’t indicate why it took authorities so long to arrest and charge the suspect with murder.

Police often gather witness statements in criminal investigations, but that does not necessarily mean witness statements are always reliable. In any case, people who have been accused of a crime have a right to fight the charge.

Source: CBS DFW, “Dallas Police Make Arrest for January Murder,” Aug. 26, 2013


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