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19-year-old accused of sexual assault in Texas A&M dorm room

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2013 | Sexual Assault

A young man in College Station has been accused of felony sexual assault after an alleged incident in a Texas A&M residence hall. The 19-year-old is charged with a second-degree felony, and if convicted, he could face a 20-year prison sentence.

According to police, a young woman agreed to let the 19-year-old man visit her dorm room on condition that they not have sex. The young woman reportedly fell asleep after the two watched Netflix together. Police say the woman woke up to find that she was being sexually assaulted by the man.

A police report indicates that the suspect told investigators that he had made previous sexual advances toward the woman, but each time she said no. He apparently also admitted to having sex with the woman, but he had the impression that she was still awake at the time.

Police are also in possession of a recorded phone conversation between the man and the woman. During that phone call, the man reportedly admitted that “he just lost control.”

With the stakes so high, the suspect in this case will need a strategic criminal defense plan to fight for his rights and freedom.

In addition to prison time, people convicted of sex crimes could face difficulty finding employment. An individual who has been convicted of sexual assault will also be required to register as a sex offender.

The safest course of action for accused individuals is to speak with a criminal defense attorney with experience in protecting the rights of the accused.

Source: The Eagle, “Police: Texas A&M student admits to sexual assault in residence hall,” Beth Brown, Sept. 7, 2013


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