When You Are Up Against A Criminal Charge, You Need A Tough And Seasoned Defense Attorney On Your Side

Dallas man’s business could be seized after drug arrest

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2013 | Drug Charges

No matter what you are accused of, if you are facing criminal charges in Texas, you will need a strong criminal defense to protect your rights and freedom. Prosecutors seek the harshest possible penalties in misdemeanor and felony cases, but not everyone accused of a crime is guilty, and everyone is afforded the due process of law.

We started this blog to discuss crime-related stories that may be relevant to Dallas-area residents, so let us consider some of the factors in a case that involves a request by city attorneys to seize a man’s business. The case illustrates some of the possible penalties faced by people with prior convictions, as well as how far authorities will go to prosecute drug charges.

Undercover police in Dallas claim they purchased drugs from a 65-year-old man who owns a paint and body shop. Since April 2012, according to authorities, undercover officers bought drugs on the property 13 times. Complicating matters is that the man who owns the property has a number of previous convictions related to selling drugs.

Marijuana appears to have been the primary substance that led to the previous arrests, but the most recent charges include possession of marijuana and a number of prescription drugs, as well as possession of a firearm by a felon.

City attorneys are also trying to seize the man’s business, which is where the alleged crimes are said to have taken place.

As this case shows, the stakes can be much higher for defendants who have prior convictions. Still, prosecutors and police do make mistakes, and Texas residents who have been accused of a crime should be aware of the available legal options for reducing or dismissing the charges.

Source: dallasnews.com, “Dallas officials hope to seize business of man with record of dealing drugs,” Robert Wilonsky, Aug. 23, 2013


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