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Sex crime sting leads to series of arrests in Texas

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2015 | Sex Crimes

Being accused of sex crimes is one of the most damaging kinds of accusations for your reputation. Even before you’re taken to court, you could lose your job or lose those close to you over the claims. It’s important to defend yourself, like some of the people in this case will need to.

July 2 reports have indicated that a Texan correctional officer has been accused of child sex offenses. He is just one of 26 men who have now been accused and who are facing charges after a sting operation investigated them and crimes taking place against children.

These men have not been found guilty of the crimes, so it’s important for the media to understand that. The authorities have suggested that these men are potentially pedophiles despite no rulings having yet taken place. Authorities have warned parents to be vigilant, because social media platforms like Instagram or Tinder can make it easier for predators to track underage children. Interestingly, most of these platforms require users to be 18 in certain parts of their programs, while some require children to be 13 or older to sign up. These limitations are not always respected by teens, which is why parents need to be vigilant.

If a person, like the band director at a middle school in this case, speaks with someone on social media and solicits them online, it’s not always clear that the person is the age they say. Another person who was charged was approached by an officer pretending to be a 15-year-old girl; that man and once-prison guard claims he wanted to make her understand the risks of the website and that she could be hurt, but instead he’s facing charges for soliciting a minor.

Source: CorrectionsOne.com, “Texas correctional officer arrested in online child sex offense sting,” Cindy Horswell, July 02, 2015


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